You know those days when nothing goes right, everything is against you and no one cares?
I have these days all too often, and sometimes the only thing that helps me feel better is music. Big surprise, right?
Music, even when in a different language, has the power to change our mood. Here are 10 motivational songs from Asian artists to provide some good during a bad day.
1. Little Fighters by MOVNING
Remind yourself that getting through a hard day is an accomplishment, and it will get better tomorrow.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

2. Speaking by Mrs. GREEN APPLE
Even if you don’t feel like talking to anyone, it’s better to vent and let it out than to keep it all inside.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

3. Always Find You by Yuri & Raiden
No matter how undeserving you may feel, there is always someone who will be there for you.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

4. Sunrise by ATEEZ
The ultimate reminder to not care about what other people think about you. No matter what some people say, just keep it up.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

5. I Feel Love by suggi
Even if you don’t know them personally, there are people in the world that care about you and want you to be happy.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on Youtube.

6. Flower Shower by HyunA
Surround yourself with good, and remember that you yourself are a beautiful flower.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

7. Lay Your Head on Me by Crush
Don’t waste your time on people who aren’t there for you. Find those who really care.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

8. Switch by NCT 127 ft. SR15B
Remember your dreams and goals, and they’ll help you get through those rough patches in your life.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

9. Can’t We Just Leave the Monster Alive? by TXT
As long as we’re together, we’re safe and nothing bad can happen.
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

10. In Love With The Music by w-inds
Let music make you get up and dance, feel good and be happy!
Listen here on Spotify.
Listen here on YouTube.

Next time you're being hard on yourself or feel like you have no motivation, pull up this list of songs and give them a listen. Hopefully they help you feel better as much as they help me.
There are a lot more where this came from, so stick around for a part 2 of motivational songs!